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This Week's Show - Inside the Magic Kingdom with Doug Lipp

Celebrate Donald Duck's 79th birthday with us as we talk with former Disney insider - Doug Lipp.  Take a look inside the Magic Kingdom and hear about the real magic that has made Disney one of the most successful businesses in the world today.  We'll talk with Doug about how the lessons learned by Disney can be applied to our country and businesses  to help us turn ourselves around.

LISTEN - Nationally Syndicated
Sunday June 9th / 10AM - 11AM EST
www.BusinessTalkRadio.net for a list of stations or to listen online
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Business Talk with Jim Campbell


Don't miss Doug's new book - Disney U !

"A leadership blueprint, applicable in any organization." -- Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, U.S. Navy (Ret.), and author of It's Your Ship

"When I first arrived at The Walt Disney Company, I was surprised to find I had to go back to school--at Disney University! There, I learned the fundamentals of guest service that consistently gave Disney a tremendous advantage in the marketplace. Now, anyone can know these secrets of success thanks to Doug Lipp's informative book. No matter what your business, the lessons taught at Disney University will prove invaluable." -- Michael Eisner, Former CEO and Chairman, The Walt Disney Company

Available in print and Kindle formats from Amazon.com:

     Don't Miss Next Week's Show - The Inside Story of the Fall of the Galleon Hedge Fund for Insider Trading

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We are happy to announce that WVWI-AM 1000 (Charlotte Amalie, VI) has joined our list of broadcasters nationwide.  For a complete listing please click the "Listen" link above.

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